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It has been remarked that The Doctor is basically a guy with all the Scoundrel talents and all the safeties removed. Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor personifies this streak. |
Starting equipment: Three flasks of alcohol, two fashion items (+2 Def), 1d6-3 gp, 1d4 Random Items, a family heirloom worth 10 gpSkill (d3): 1. Courtesy, 2. Literature, 3. Riding
A +1 Talent, +5 ft Movement (Dex /2 x 5ft per round in my homebrew)
B +1 Talent, gain a random skill
C +1 Talent, +1 to either Hit Points, Move or Stealth
D +1 Talent, +1 to a stat of choice
These are directly from Against the Wicked City's class. Edited a bit to fit in with my homebrew.
Actor: You have a talent for performance and impersonation. If you can present yourself in a plausible disguise - a priest in a temple, a servant in a large house - people will always assume that you are who you appear to be unless you give them a strong reason not to. If you take an injury which reduces you to less than half maximum hit points, you can attempt to 'play dead' by making a Charisma check.
Con Artist: So long as no one can verify what you’re saying is wrong, you can lie through your teeth and they’ll believe you for at least d6 minutes. Becomes hours, then days if this talent is taken again.
Connected: You know a guy who knows a guy. If you want something (items, information, invites to parties, etc) which could possibly be obtained in your location for the right price, then you know who can obtain it for you. Even if you find yourself in a completely alien environment, you will somehow manage to establish a network of guys who know other guys within 1d6 days of your arrival.
Disguise Artist: With the aid of a box of makeup and a bag of props, you can quickly and effectively disguise yourself as belonging to a gender, ethnicity, or medium-sized humanoid species other than your own. Your disguise won't pass close inspection, but it will pass muster in any casual encounter unless the people you meet already have reason to be very suspicious of you. Can be used in conjunction with 'Actor' to get into places you really shouldn't be.
Drunkard: You have a phenomenal ability to consume alcohol and do so constantly. You can heal yourself 1d6+2x[level] HP with 'a drink for medicinal purposes'. You are also a wonderful drinking companion. Anyone who spends a few hours drinking with will regard you as a friend unless and until you give them a strong reason not to.
Duelist: All those fencing lessons paid off! You get +1 Attack and damage in one on one battle with a single opponent, and a +1 to Duel. This bonus ends as soon as either of you attacks or is attacked by anyone else. Anyone who sees you fight a formal duel (whether to first blood or to the death) will regard you as a person of courage and honour unless and until you give them a strong reason not to.
Expensive Education: You know one weather witch working. Use your scoundrel templates to determine its chance to work. You also have a head full of famous quotations and random phrases in old languages. By dropping a few learned remarks, you can give the impression of being an expert on any given subject, which will last until you do something to make it obvious that you are not. (A real expert, however, will see through your charade as soon as they put it to the test.)
Fop: You have such beautiful clothes and you wear them so very, very well. If you are wearing something awe-inspiringly fashionable and impractical (except armour), you will automatically be the centre of attention wherever you go, and cannot be upstaged by anything short of actual disaster or attack.
Hauteur: You behave with such natural authority that everyone always assumes you're in charge unless it's really obvious that you're not. In an emergency, people will naturally look to you to tell them what to do, and will usually go along with your plans unless they're obviously terrible. Your followers gain +1 morale.
Libertine: You pride yourself on your mastery of sex and seduction. You can seduce an NPC who might plausibly be interested in a casual sexual encounter with you in 1d6 hours. (They get a saving throw if they know they really shouldn't.) Spend another 1d6 hours showing them a good time, and they will be very positively disposed towards you as long as they remain the sole focus of your attention, affection, and sex. They will grant any reasonable requests or favours you ask.
Mohock: In your misspent youth you were an aristocratic street thug and hellraiser, terrorising the city by night. You gain +1 Attack and damage with clubs and knives, and take no penalties fighting in poor light (not full darkness). Once, ever, you may ask a single favour from the Emperor of the Mohocks, a shadowy and near-mythical figure of great influence in aristocratic and criminal circles.
Name drop: Once per session, you can request a favor from authority or use your family's name to get out of trouble. Only works on people that might have heard of your family. Has a 3-in-6 chance of working.
Raconteur: You are a master storyteller, capable of holding an audience spellbound (and thus distracted) for up to 1d6 hours. Any vaguely plausible stories you tell about your own exploits will always be believed unless and until evidence is presented to the contrary.
Rover: You've been everywhere, and you are very good at fitting in. Even without a common language, you can always establish basic communication with intelligent creatures through gestures and pidgin speech. If a group is negatively disposed towards your ethnicity, religion, species, etc, then after 1d6 hours of non-violent interaction with them you'll have picked up so many of their mannerisms that they'll regard you like one of their own.
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Thiefs -or burglars, really- have minor fast-talking skills for when they get caught. |
Starting Equipment: leather armour, lockpicks, daggerStarting Skill: Locksmith OR Pickpocket OR Stealth, and one from the table below
You gain +1 Stealth for each Thief template you possess.
Thief skills (d12)
1. Bully 4. Cultist 7. Jailor 10. Musician
2. Circus 5. Forger 8. Lookout 11. Smuggler
3. Cook 6. Gambler 9. Merchant 12. Spy
A: Always Prepared
B: Con Artist, Second Story Worker
C: Lucky, Urchin
D: Great Escape
Always Prepared
While in town, you may spend any amount of money to buy an Unlabeled Package. When the package is unwrapped, you declare what it contains, as long as the contents comprise the appropriate number of Inventory Slots, don’t cost more than you originally paid, and were available in town. You can put multiple items inside.
Con Artist
So long as no one can verify what you’re saying is wrong, you can lie through your teeth and they’ll believe you for at least d6 minutes.
Second Story Worker
If a climb would be trivial using gear, you don’t need to roll, even if free-climbing. If a climb would be impossible even using gear, you can roll to succeed anyway.
Once per day you can reroll one of your d20 rolls.
A street rat demands to learn under you. They’re very sneaky and don't ask for pay. If you lose your urchin, you can recruit another wherever urchins are plentiful, but it will be difficult if you have a reputation for getting them killed.
Very Lucky
You get an additional use of your Lucky ability once per day. An adjacent ally can use one of your rerolls, provided you could have plausibly assisted them.
Great Escape
Once per day, you can automatically escape from something that is restraining you and that you could plausibly escape from. This includes grapples, lynchings, and awkward social situations, but not sealed coffins.
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