Friday 29 March 2019

5e cheat sheets - class and background

Character creation can be fun, but when it needs to happen mid-game (i.e. the party is now looting your character), it had better be fast so you can get back into the action right away.

New characters in 5e still takes some looking up of gear and skills and background abilities - I thought I'd speed that up by making little paper slips with the relevant info. The idea is to cut these out, clip them to a fresh character sheet and circle any options chosen, then fill in the sheet properly when you have time.

Steal the pdf or click-to-enlarge the images below.

Source: classes from D&D 5e, icons from the 5e fan kit, Telecanter's collection, and random googelry. Particularly happy with the ones that I picked for Legendary Lineage and Deserter.


These include my house rules for Belswick such as cantrips costing spell slots (until you learn to cast them for free), all spellcasters except nature types needing to collect spells for a spellbook, clerics having less experience with armors. You'll also struggle to find sorcerors, monks or paladins. The first two need to be encountered in game first, and paladins are somehow not being inspired anymore by the Authority.

Barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, fighter - print, cut out, clip to your fresh character sheet
Ranger, rogue, warlock, wizard


These backgrounds are intentionally low-key (no "royal assassin", which sounds like a title you should earn in game). Sources indicated, but I've modded most of them so check the pdf if you're in my game.
  • Beggar - slip in unnoticed - DnD Beyond
  • Bravo - intimidate people for a friend - Hack & Slash
  • Deserter - always has an out out for trouble - Eberron5e
  • Duelist - know how to properly challenge people to a duel of honor - DanDwiki
  • Ex-prisoner - mementoes and a contact from your days in prison - Hack & Slash
  • Farmer - have livestock, know how to work the land in exchange for food&bed - Hack & Slash
  • Fey-touched - sought out by the fey and understand their customs - Dnd Beyond (modified)
  • Gravedigger - got the tools, loot and looks of someone who is allowed to haul corpses - Hack & Slash (modified)
  • Haunted one - you were targeted by supernatural horror but survived - DnD Beyond
  • Legendary lineage - you are the heir to a famous family or object of power - Eberron5e
  • Pilgrim - know many religious trivia and useful info - Eberron5e
  • Ratcatcher - you squeeze into underground places and kill stuff. sounds like transferable skills - Hack & Slash
  • Redeemed cultist - you turned away from all that, but you can still spot them - DanDwiki
  • Ruffian - you're a hard one. people stay quiet when you misbehave - DnD Beyond
  • Sawbones - you're a barber-surgeon and can get access to the sick, dead or quarantained - (source?)
  • Smuggler - know how to transport stuff and know who might buy it - Hack & Slash


  1. Thanks for these resources. Really appreciate you taking he time to put them in one place on nice-quality images.

    If this were reddit, I would Guild you.

    1. I have NOT been keeping up with the comment section...anyway, thanks for the compliment! These were great fun to make, so why not share them? Enjoy.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You're kinda missing the Monk, Paladin, and Sorcerer classes. And I think a few backgrounds from the PHB.

    1. True - I made this for my own campaign, which started with certain classes and backgrounds locked.
