My few additions to lore from Coins and Scrolls and Goblin Punch are:
- religion: the two deities of the Exile and the Watcher, and religious orders of the Authority and their tasks
- some extra low level positions for the First and Second Estate for players to aspire to (below)
Already published:
- Warlock patrons and how they ruin everything
- Wizardly orders and why they're being watched
- house rules for Belswick
- summary, or what's-this-all-mean-for-players
- religion and saintly orders in Belswick
- map and overview of Duchy Belswick and its Baronies
- using Carcassonne to create a Duchy and Baronies, including European name lists
D&D's implied setting straight from the box is fantastic, but not all that medieval. And that's fine. But it misses out on the epic weirdness that went on 10 centuries ago. The past is a strange country and in my Belswick campaign, I want players to encounter - now and again - that crazy world of superstitions, taxes, indulgence and Indulgences, warfare and a society shaped by religion.(At no time will this have more than a nodding acquaintance with actual history.)
Hang on, how is D&D not medieval?
It has swords, knights, castles - sure. But no strict feudal hierarchy with nobles manoeuvering to gain land and position, no single church that influences everything, no big barriers against social advancement, no baron who rides up with their armed nobles when you decide to take over a dungeon and turn it into your private power base. In other words, more wild west than dark ages.
How is this going to be fun?
A medieval campaign may sound restrictive. Pay taxes, buy indulgences, respect the nobles and clergy, live a wretched existence, randomly outlawed magic - who cares about all that when you could be a heroic adventurer? No worries - there will be a lot of Wyverning and Bullettery. But in the background, this medieval world with all its weird rules - I think it will breed creativity. Like how having to learn how to ply your lord, get a good return on your inevitable taxes and receive the rights to a keep gets you into politics from the get go. Let's find out.
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The Three Estates: Clergy, Nobility, Commoners British Library, Sloane 2435 f85 |
The three Estates
To each their allotted place in the world, and don't you think about escaping it. Society is ordered in classes and everyone - even people from the Far Lands - will be considered part of these Three Estates. This is as the Law of the Land and the Church of the Authority decree.
- First Estate: the clergy of the Authority. Priests, monks, bishops, the Archpriest
- Second Estate: the nobility of the realm. Knights, counts, dukes, the King
- Third Estate: almost everyone. Serfs and free farmers, craftsmen, merchants, wizards
- Outlaws: those outside of the protection of the law. Bandits, escaped serfs, warlocks
On Faith
There is one Church, and you should take it seriously. In a broad pantheon you may have favorite deities that each rule one one aspect of society, but a medieval worldview calls for one all powerful deity with a boatload of angels and saints. (And of course it's not quite that simple - there are some captive deities and minority faiths in the mix.)
On race
Check out illuminations in medieval manuscripts: full of fantastic animals. Walking the world should feel like walking those pages. In addition to humans, expect spiderling moneylenders, hawkling sentries and rabbitling knights. And skating owllings, for some reason. There's also Elfs and Dwarfs and Halflings, but they're enclave minorities compared to the stampede of talking animals.
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Left to right: ...not that hard really. Illustration from: The Romance of Alexander; Bodleiana Ms. 264, fol. 21v |
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First Estate - the Church Charlemagne meets Pope Adrian I - Hand-coloured print by Antoine Vérard. Archivo Iconografico, S.A./CORBIS-BETTMANN. Source |
As a member of the First Estate you serve the Church of the Authority, the one true faith in the creator of the world. This does not mean you are especially pious. It does mean you are expected to perform services or lead a life of religious contemplation in a monastery. It always means you must tithe heavily to the Church. You are probably in the service of a parish, noble, army or cloister. Anyone can join the First Estate, always at the bottom of the hierarchy although political promotion tracks can be spectacularly fast.A quick bit on the Authority, other gods and planes of existence
The Authority created the world (not the universe) and ordered everything in it. He is attended by angels, numerous saints and captured rival deities. (After their original worshipers have been thoroughly converted, these are quietly rebranded as minor facets of the Authority). The purest manifestation of the Authority is the Air, which carries his word to far places. In addition to clerics, bards play an important role in the Church. It is they who make sure everyone knows the truth of the Authority.
Spiderlings are allowed to worship the Watcher, the estranged spouse of the Authority which still watches creation at night with its 1000 eyes. Against the Authority and all that is just and good is arrayed the Exile, which desires nothing less than overturning ordered society. It is so consumed with hate that it needs to act through its servants - Warlock patrons.
The Authority and its angels decide who gets into Heaven, Hell or Purgatory. These and all the other planes such as air, shadow or spirits are places you can walk, fly or burrow to. Heaven is up, Hell is down, and the Dwarfs are secretly digging there.
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Many different religious orders Grose, Francis: “The Antiquities of England and Wales Vol I” (1783) - from |
The Church of the Authority is a baroque maze of saints and religious orders, each with their own holiday and task. Seven Saintly Orders each guard the secret of one clerical domain, although First Estate members of all classes can join these Orders. Clergy in Saintly Orders can be both ordained (priest with parish) or cloistured (in a monastery):
Cloistured members of the First Estate live "in Holy Orders" and vow to live a life of quiet contemplation. Or debauched excess, depending on the monastery they are in. That excemption from taxes can be very useful. Those in Holy Orders may not perform services or sell indulgences - that takes an additional ceremony to be ordained as a priest of the monastery. Monasteries can be solitary or be part of a Saintly Order.
Ordained members of the First Estate oversee a domain (parish, bishopric) and are responsible for the spiritual wellbeing of its inhabitants. They may perform services, sell indulgences (see the table at the bottom of this post) and must be male (or be taken for such).
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Satan selling Indulgences. I'm sure yours will be properly backed by divine law. Source - Jenský kodex |
If you are an ordained priest or higher, you may hear someone's confession and assign a penance (prayer, fast, pilgrimage) to forgive that sin. This is made possible through the authority over moral judgement vested in you by (haha) the Authority. You may also forgive the sin if the sinner promises they are truly and deeply penitent and pays for an Indulgence.
Confessing your sins is smart, getting forgiven one way or the other is even smarter. As an adventurer, your soul is imperiled - all that shirking of regular duties, digging around in tombs and wielding forces man was not meant to have. Those who die in sin have a chance to rise as undead and haunt their companions.
Rumours of unscrupulous clerics raising unconfessed adventurers as undead are wholly unsubstantiated and vile slander - that'll be 50 pieces of silver for the Indulgence.
The law
You are exempt from secular tax and justice and answer only to your superiors in the Church - who will take just a dim view as the local lord on vandalism, theft, robbery and murder.
Income and expenses
Taxes: exempt from taxes on donations, tithes or land.
Tithes: owe 80% of all income (trade, treasure etc.) as tithe to Church superior.
Income: the table below gives basic disposable income after paying for food, rent, etc. You may also be granted a farm, mine etc., and/or sell Indugences and Services - see the Income table at the bottom of this post.
Classes in the First Estate
Any class can be part of the First Estate, although some classes are not available at start of game; see the bottom of this post. Such restricted classes like Monks and Sorcerors would be part of religious orders from Far Lands. No paladins either. There is only one, and the last time it escaped, we lost the city of Marchault. Druids are opposed to religion as practiced by the Church - written down and tamed - but you could play a lapsed Druid turned monk if you like being hunted by your old Circle mates.
Clerics can only be part of the First Estate (unless declared Outlaw and Heretic, often in one breath) and are less holy warrior than white mage. They have a limited canon of prayers in their books, and uncover new prayers and domain abilities through service to Saintly Orders. Most bards are trained in the Minor Colleges of the Orders of the Olmadicians, the Ivory Candle of St. Kurelda and the Silent Order of St. Gustau.
per month
(oversees a diocese)
[rank] x 750 gp
[rank] x 500 gp
Patriarch (in Foreign Parts)
[rank] x 300 gp
[rank] x 250 gp
[rank] x 100 gp
-4 gp (can
sell Indulgences, perform Services)
Village priest (lector, curate)
-2 gp (can
sell Minor Indulgences)
Deacon (assistant)
0 gp (cannot
sell Indulgences)
Orders (cloistured)
Grand Master / Superior General
[rank] x 200 gp
Provincial Superior
[rank] x 100 gp
Abbot / Abbess (cloistured) †
5 gp (or
[rank] x 100 gp if corrupt)
Monk / Nun †
0 gp (5 gp if corrupt)
Initiate †
0 gp (1
gp if corrupt)
† basic
needs met while you are cloistured; earn 1/5th income when out in
the world
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Second Estate: the Nobility Source: Roland pledges his fealty to Charlemagne; from a manuscript of a chanson de geste, c. 14th century |
You are a feudal vassal of the Ruler of the land. You are called to fight, protect and lead; the practice of craftsmanship or trade is below your status. You always have a noble of higher rank above you and owe respect to those of higher rank (in both the First and Second Estate); such is the way of the world.The dream is to gain more land and titles, because those give wealth and influence. If you own land, you protect, govern and tax a local populace, even if it's just the hamlet of Gallstone. If you do not own land or have a payed position at court, you need another source of income to pay your upkeep and remain a noble.
I'll copy this beautiful bit of writing by Skerples directly:
"A land-owning member of the Second Estate typically has the right of "pit and gallows, sake and soke, toll, team, and infangthief." In modern English, "drowning, hanging, finding peasants, hunting peasants, charging peasants for movement or activity, requesting unpaid labour, and executing summary justice".
"Members of the Second Estate can only be tried in the court of a higher noble. They are rarely executed."
Income and expenses
Taxes: the Second Estate does not pay taxes. It pays Upkeep and Obligations.
Upkeep: all members of the Second Estate are expected to live in style, with an associated cost per rank. This covers servants, tithes, repairs, donations, taxes, loans and ancient obligations. Failing Upkeep drops you out of the nobility until reinstated by your Liege at back cost and 10% additional gifts.
Obligations: expected to provide monthly levies, troops, ransoms, support for expeditions, plague, loans etc., from 2 gp during peace to 20 gp in troubled times.
Income: land owners in the Second Estate receive income based on the land they own or manage, and raises taxes on its populace. Courtiers and Household Knights do not have such income to draw on. Their liege sometimes funds their upkeep through a position at court (see income table).
Classes in the Second Estate
Any class can be found in the Second Estate, except Clerics. Druids might take some fast talking as well. Some classes are not available at start of game; see the bottom of this post. Note that some classes (Wizards, Warlocks) can only be part of the Second Estate if they hide their powers and hide them well. Others (Monk, Sorceror) would be nobles from Far Lands. Bardic power is considered uncouth by the Second Estate. Mindbending spells and inspirational oratory can be very useful, but their source must be hidden to protect status.
King ****
180 gp
land ownership
Sovereign Prince ****
168 gp
land ownership
Prince ***
156 gp
land ownership
Sovereign Duke ***
156 gp
land ownership
Duke ***
144 gp
land ownership
Marquis / Earl **
132 gp
land ownership
Count **
120 gp
land ownership
Viscount *
108 gp
land ownership
Baron (Large Barony) *
96 gp
land ownership
Baron (Medium Barony) *
84 gp
land ownership
Baron (Small Barony) *
72 gp
land ownership
Baronet / Knight Bannerette
60 gp
land ownership
Lord / Manorial Knight
48 gp
land or position
Courtier / Household Knight
36 gp
land or position
24 gp
land or position
Provincial Gentleman / Bastard
12 gp
land or position
Squire (Upkeep 0-6 gp or as 3 ranks below
0-6 gp
* can create Knights and Courtiers
** can also create Barons
*** can also create Counts with the Monarch's
**** can create or revoke any title, but tends
not to unless there is a compelling reason
Covers some 98% of the population, from crafters, merchants and lawyers to guilded experts and peasants. You owe allegiance to a noble on whose land you live. You are taxed and tithed heavily and have the right to a trial - just not a particularly fair one. You have a position and work that is expected of you, and country folk owe unpayed labour and service to the lord of their domain.Income and expenses
Taxes: you owe 100% of your extra income (from trade or adventure) to your lord, who will give you back a sum if such has been agreed upon for good service or a suitable gift. The tomb you cleared was on their land anyway, so who did you think the contents belonged to? Start at 75% tax, but highly volatile.
Tithes: from what you receive back from your lord, you owe 10% tithe to the Church.
Income: the list below and the table at the bottom of the post give disposable income from your regular job after paying your tax, rent, food and basic tithes.
Classes in the Third Estate
Any class can be found in the Third Estate, except for Clerics. Base fiddlers in the Third Estate (or outlaws) may call themselves bards, but are considered little more than rabble rousers with stolen magic that trade off the sanctified status of College Bards. Some classes are not available at the start of the game; they have to be encountered first. See the bottom of this post. Wizards are almost always part of the Third Estate. Warlocks can only be considered Third Estate if they hide their powers well and masquerade as something else. Other classes (Monk, Sorceror) would be seen as commoners from Far Lands.
Countryside poor (d4):
Either directly tied to the land you work as a serf without the right to marry outside of (or even leave) your terrain, or a free farmer, trader or craftsman. Some double as soldiers in war time and try to scrape together a living as farmer or crafter during peace. A serf can become a freeman if they manage to escape to a town or city in a different barony for a year; without any useful skill except farming, they will find this very hard to manage.
- Small farmer (as under 2)
- Small farmer - Raise enough food to not starve and earn 1d10 cp per month after taxes and tithes. Own 1 sp in emergency cash.
- Crafts- or Tradesman Roll 1d100 on Skerples' Medieval Profession's table, reroll any result over 81. Income 2d6+5 sp per month.
- Soldier Either an armed peasant or a trained soldier, trained poorly as a farmer or craftsman (roll 1d3 above). Payed extra in war time, but pay is always in arrears.
Townsfolk (d100):
Check out this table of genuinely medieval professions. Ordinary craftsmen (1-81) average 2d6+5 sp per month. High status crafts (82-100) earn twice that. You may be a member of a guild - see the table.
Wizards - who taught and controls you?
Wizards wield spectacular power but their trade is unclean and disreputable - in other words, only fit for those in the Third Estate. Society tries to control that power through carrot (recognition and position) and stick (debt and risk of excommunication). Roll on the Income Table below to find out your position and income.
Oh, and about those shunned schools of magic? It's not like non-casters can distinguish between arcane traditions anyway - expect the accusations to fly whatever magic you cast. Just know that spells which mess with heart, mind, eye or limb attract extra suspicion.
Chartered Wizard
Educated at ruinous expense at a recognized Chartered College. Owe a debt of 1d10 x 5000 gp, with a monthly payment of 1/500th that sum (10-100 gp) that can be paid in gold, spells, service or items. Wizards in the direct service of a noble will have their monthly payment taken care of by their Liege. Missing six payments invites professional breakers of legs and fingers.
May be an Abjurer, Diviner or Evoker, or Transmuter without arousing much fear, or anything but an outright Necromancer if you like dark mutterings behind your back.
War wizard: support the baron's troops in war time, act as a minor problem-solving personal wizard during peace. Get your wizard debt paid by your Liege in any week he makes use of you in combat.
Hedge wizard: assigned to a part of the lord's holdings - to assist the blacksmith, calm the waters at the mill, help the carpenter etc. Every full work week cancels 1/4th of your monthly debt.
Graduate wizard: stayed on at the College for further and deeper studies at the peril of your soul, sanity and of course health. Wizard debt is considered forgiven as long as you continue studies and give intro courses to annoying apprentices.
Personal wizard: stationed at the local court and wildly, ludicrously overburdened with every stupid task and question your Liege can imagine. Calm the storm, raise the spirit of his dead advisor, turn dirt into silver, and so on. But at least you're not expected to join the troops and your wizard debt is taken care of when you are in their service.
monthly income
War Wizard
5 gp / wk at war, or 5 sp
Hedge Wizard
5 sp
Graduate Wizard
1 sp
Personal Wizard
2 sp
Taught the arts outside of a recognized College by a hedge mage or hidden master. Such unsanctioned power upsets the powers of the feudal order - if you are found out, expect scandal and a quick rush to control you.
May be trained in any school but Necromancy. Uncovered Conjurors of Demons, Enchanters of the Will and Illusion-weavers can expect to be accused or Warlockry and treated as a vile abomination unless they submit to sanction by Church and Liege. In that case, they become disreputable hedge, war or personal wizards.
Hedge wizard, disreputable
3 sp
Personal wizard, disreputable
1.5 sp
War wizard, disreputable
3 sp, 3 gp/wk at war
Charter impersonator (roll there)
per your position
Hidden wizard: roll Estate, position
per your Estate
Vile Outlaw
Should be in the Outlaw section, but I'm talking wizards now and I'd like all that information to stay together. Trained in forbidden Necromancy or outright sold their soul to gain Warlock powers. Can expect a quick trial and execution as a Witch or Warlock when found openly practising their magic.
monthly income
Outlaw, known
Third Estate hidden Warlock
per your job
(Un)Chartered impersonator (roll there)
per your position
Hidden Warlock: roll Estate, position
per your Estate, position
More an edge case than a social class to aspire to. These are the people shoved out of society and placed outside the protection of the Law, Church and Nobility: traitor nobles, bandits, wild folk of the forest, escaped serfs, warlocks - they're all considered the same, and will be treated as robbers or worse when caught doing anything suspicious. It is possible to become a member of the Three Estates again if you pay for your crimes against Law and Church (even if those crimes are being born in the forest with the other druids).Income and expenses
Taxes: you have no lord and pay no taxes. Noone will protect you from bandits. Then again you probably are a bandit.
Tithes: you do not give to the Church. Unless you find a confessor who regularly gives you forgiveness for your lawless state, you are damned.
Income: you have no job or position; beg, hunt (i.e. poach) or steal for your life.
Classes of Outlaws
Anyone can become or be declared Outlaw. Known Necromancer wizards and Warlocks are always considered Outlaws. Of course you can try to hide your true identity - see the table for Warlocks above.
Like races (more on that in a separate post), not all classes are available at the start of the campaign. Other classes aren't too suitable for particular Estates, but I'm as flexible as the feudal order - get me a good bribe or story. Here's an overview of classes:
available for any Estate, but especially suited for the First
available for any Estate
available for any Estate
available for any Estate
available for any Estate
First Estate only: more white mage than
holy warrior, tied to a Church Order
available for any Estate, but especially
the Third or Outlawry
not available at start of play. Travelers
from the Far Lands with weird powers
not available. The last time the one known
Paladin got free, it wrecked a city
not available at start of play. Eunuch
servants of the Caliph in the Far Lands
if not an Outlaw already, create a cover
within your starting Estate
not well suited for the 1st Estate
(ungodly) or 2nd Estate (disreputable)
More of a background thing than likely to become hugely important, here are different ways that characters can earn their keep. Your regular job is how people will first remember you: Gulfric the Toadling Clock Maker, not Gulfric the Rogue.
Small farm (hut, vegetable garden, small
1d10 cp, 1 sp stashed
Large farm (house, outbuilding, garden,
12 gp
Craft or Trade (1-81 on d100)
2d6 + 5 sp
High-earning Trade (city only, 82-100 on d100)
4d6 + 10 sp
Soldier (farmer or trader in peace, half
1 gp per week at war
Owner of an Inn, Mine or Quarry
2d6 + 5 sp
evasion: gain up to 5% of monthly income
Wizard (minor problem solver in peace time)
gp per week at war, or 5 sp
Wizard (water-calmer, scryer)
Wizard (deeper study at a College)
Wizard (lore-keeper, problem-solver)
2 sp
Butler (oversees castle's affairs)
38 gp
Companion / Retainer (part of retinue)
13 to 40 gp
Court Wizard (rare. Rank as Gentleman)
36 gp (Upkeep as Courtier)
Herald (to organize Formal Court)
38 gp
Sherriff / Sargent
30 gp
Steward (administers a Lord's own
36 gp + 5% of land's revenue
Small Manor
50 gp
Large Manor
75 gp
small village under your protection
+10 gp
Core areas
75 gp / hex
50 gp / hex
30 gp / hex
Mountain / Wasteland
10 gp / hex
City in hex (10000 people)
+ 75 gp
Town in hex (5000-2000 people)
+ 30 or 10 gp
evasion: can withhold their County revenue
directly administered Baronies
as Baronial revenue
Core hexes in County
1 gp
Developed hexes in County
0.5 gp
Undeveloped hexes in County
0 gp
City in hex
5 gp
Town in hex
2 or 1 gp
A Service is a church ceremony dedicated to sanctifying a moment in life: birth, marriage or death. Commissioning a general service is a way of showing off wealth and piety, as is paying for a perpetual service of remembrance (the priest of the parish will always ask for your soul's welbeing in the communal prayer).An Indulgence cancels days or years of penitent service, not the sin or years in Hell or Purgatory. But most people don't know that - including a lot of unscrupulous priests. Ordained members of the First Estate are the only ones who can sell Indulgences. Official ones, that is.
As a priest with your own parish, you may hear Confessions when you have at least a week of downtime. Roll d50 once, and a number of d20's equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum 0). Speculated sins are evil thoughts; committed sins were actually performed.
You really shouldn't guilt trip people into confession and Indulgence-buying. You wouldn't be the first.
An Indulgence washes away the stain on your soul. The Law still applies - an Indulgence for murder only clears your soul, not your appointment with the hangman. Sins are cumulative: murdering a stranger with a proscribed spell goes to 1.5 gp. Murder of a Noble or Clergyman requires a 100gp x [rank difference] Indulgence to forgive, minimum 100 gp. Don't expect to actually receive it unless you convince your confessor you had to commit this heinous crime.
5 cp
1 gp / year
1 sp / act
perversion (tame)
5-10 cp / act
5-10 sp / act
1 cp / act
1 sp / act
1-10 cp / act
1-10 sp / act
vanity (mild)
5 cp
1 sp
miss service / holiday
1 cp / --
5-10 cp
sloth, laziness
5 cp
1 cp
5 cp
slander (of 3rd Estate)
5 cp
slander (of 1st Estate)
5 cp
5 gp
slander (of 2nd Estate)
1 sp
10 gp
vandalism, arson
2 sp / act
1 gp / act
vanity (Extraordinary)
1 sp
1 gp
5 cp
6 gp / year
violence (1st Estate)
5 sp
5 gp
violence (3rd Estate)
5 cp
5 sp
murder (outlaw)
2 cp
5 sp
murder (stranger)
2 sp
1 gp
murder (family/suicide)
5 sp
10 gp
murder (for profit)
5 sp
10 gp
perversion (outrage)
1-10 sp / act
1-10 gp / act
proscribed magic
5 cp / spell
5 sp / spell
5 sp
10 gp
theft, usury
1 sp
1/10th value
baptism (2nd Estate)
5 gp
baptism (3rd Estate)
5 cp
wedding (2nd Estate)
[sum of noble ranks] x 100 gp
wedding (3rd Estate)
1 sp
funeral (2nd Estate)
[noble rank] x 100 gp
funeral (3rd Estate)
3 sp
general service
5 cp
perpetual service
[noble rank] x 100 gp
and Scrolls Feudalism kit
Coins and Scrolls: The Three Estates
Coins and Scrolls: Death, Taxes, and Death Taxes
Coins and Scrolls: Land and Investments
Coins and Scrolls: Indulgences and Clerical Services
up the world
Coins and Scrolls: Revised Table of Races
Coins and Scrolls: OSR: Bring Out Your Dead
Coins and Scrolls: OSR: Don't You Know There's A War On?
Coins and Scrolls: OSR: Medieval Stalemate Simulator
Goblin Punch: God Throat Paladins
Goblin Punch: Void Monks
Estate - Religion
Goblin Punch: Church of the Authority
Goblin Punch: More about the Church of the Authority
Coins and Scrolls: Religion in Elderstone
Estate - Rulers
Coins and Scrolls: Horrible Baron NPC Generator
Coins and Scrolls: OSR: 1d100 Baronial Grievances
I Don't Remember this Move: Castles of the Marcher Lords
Coins and Scrolls: Table of Rulers: History of the Franks Edition
Coins and Scrolls: Table of Rulers: Byzantine Edition
Coins and Scrolls: OSR: Fast Mapping: Part1, Kingdom -> County
Coins and Scrolls: OSR: Fast Mapping: Part 2, County -> Barony Level
Coins and Scrolls: OSR: Fast Mapping: Part 3, Barony -> Terrain, Castle, and Village Level
Estate - Commoners
Coins and Scrolls: Horrible Peasant NPC Generator
Coins and Scrolls: OSR: 1d100 Peasant Grievances
Coins and Scrolls: OSR: Table of Camp Followers
Elfmaids and Octopi: d100 Terrible letters from home
Rotten Pulp: When hirelings break down
Blog of Holding: In which I risk my life by revealing the mysteries of the guilds
Blog of Holding: A return to the darkmysteries of the guilds
Goblin Punch: Minor magic items
Goblin Punch: Relics of the Saints
Goblin Punch: So many awesome potions
Goblin Punch: Looking for the perfect potion list
Goblin Punch: Bottle Imps
Awesome heretics
Goblin Punch: Seven Souls of Shadoom
Goblin Punch: Nameless Queen Yama and the Queens cult
Goblin Punch: Heralds of Immaculate Morning1
Goblin Punch: Heralds of Immaculate Morning2
Goblin Punch: Heralds of Immaculate Morning3
Goblin Punch: Madness of Avool - on enlightenment
Goblin Punch: The Awakened
Goblin Punch: Awakened - the Kellertown Incident
Goblin Punch: Seven myths about Druids
Coins and Scrolls: Guilder, the City of Green Brass
Coins and Scrolls: Dragon Banks
Goblin Punch: The pillar of fire
Goblin Punch: The Invincible living City
Goblin Punch: Abominable Isle
Goblin Punch: Abominable Isle encounters
Gloomtrain: Fairy hexes 1
Gloomtrain: Fairy hexes 2
Gloomtrain: Fairy hexes 3
Gloomtrain: Fairy hexes 4
Goblin Punch: Hungry Joe
Goblin Punch: Cancermancers of Hungry Joe
and encounters
Angry GM: Getting There is Half the Fun
I Don't Remember this Move: Giant Generator
Goblin Punch: Have a Nicer Trip
Goblin Punch: The Devil in North Wood
patron inspiration
Gloomtrain: Scion of Sunless Seas
Gloomtrain: The Hungry Crone
Gloomtrain: Malamaut the Incubus
Gloomtrain: Batrabos the Law and Atri-Rathma the Lover
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