Monday 8 July 2024

Delta Green: the Molotov Tapes

 "That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die."

The blog is back! Or at least briefly getting up out of its tomb, with much bleary-eyed blinking at the stars and wondering why it overate on Deep Ones last geological era.

I wanted to write a short series of blogs about my group's current run of Delta Green scenarios, the modern-day version of Call of Cthulhu. I've been plundering official and fan-written materials, splicing stories together and having a blast with the pyromaniac nutters in my player group. These blogs will not be session reports, but write-ups of the scenarios that we played and how I modified the original setup to fit my table.


The Q-Cell Tapes:



So what is Delta Green? Delta Green started as a scenario / expansion for the Call of Cthulhu rpg, set in the modern day. Like it says on the promotional flyer I made for my players:

If the intelligence community was a family, DELTA GREEN would be the weird auntie nobody talked about.

The one they kicked out for seeing too much and doing what needed doing.

Now you get to choose. Close your eyes after what you saw, or join the conspiracy? Welcome to DELTA GREEN.

Players take on the role of government officials — feds, cops, military or otherwise — who have come into contact with the Unnatural: things that man was not meant to know, but keeps fiddling with regardless. Recruited by a shadowy taskforce called the Program or the Group, characters try to wrangle official and clandestine resources to keep back the dark at a shattering personal cost.

Also: molotov cocktails.

I got into DG through the many excellent podcasts and actual plays out there —list below— and wanted to try out a looser game structure with my group after my previous story-driven Vampire:the Dark Ages campaign bombed. A DG oneshot or two as a palate cleanser seemed to be just the thing. We had a good Session Zero to discuss themes, decided to place the game in the mid-90s, and created the characters of Q Cell. 


One cool thing about the DG community is the many fan-made scenarios and other materials. I might even prefer the short Shotgun Scenarios (an annual contest for <1500 words scenarios, just enough to get you going) over the longer operations. Shotguns can be completed in 1-3 sessions, you can easily add to them, modify or splice them together, and there are literally hundreds out there.

Of course I couldn't just pick and run a simple oneshot. After going through the many official and fan-published work, I had 49 possible scenarios ready to go!

I sorted this pile into themes and tiers and put them all on a Google Map with some abstracts and spy thriller codewords.

Before each new game, players pick the scenario they want me to run. New missions open after they complete intro stories, and I weave them together by sprinkling in links to past and future ops.


  1. I just stumbled upon this blog and enjoyed reading all your Delta Green posts. I especially like your operation map, I have to steal this idea for my next campaign!

  2. Hey, thanks! I stole the idea of the threat map from the Delta Green community - they've collected a bunch of published scenarios here. The idea to link scenarios together in themes and storylines was my own though. It's working well in-game!
