"You know, it's so long since I RPGed - I'd like to play again." How can I say no to that, especially coming from one of the witnesses to our marriage? And so I started thinking about a three player campaign in addition to my Belswick run (the Bronze & Sand stuff petered out over summer, I'm afraid).
Rereading Fritz Leiber's Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser stories gave me inspiration for a rogue campaign set in the decadent and criminal city of Lankhmar. We held session 0 and 1 this weekend, and I think it's going to be good fun. (By which I mean my wife and our two best friends bullshitting me and my NPCs every step of the way. Awesome!) First here's a setting overview, next up is a brief session log.
Lankhmar is the center of civilization on the world of Nehwon - or the largest cesspool on its face, depending on who you ask.
The city grows fat on the grain trade across the river Hlal and the
Inner Sea. Its many workshops fill the air with smoke and smog - rare is
the night when one can see the stars. There is a guild for almost
everything; pay an entry fee and monthly dues, and you too can set up a
shop. The Guilds of Thieves, Slayers and Assassins especially do not
take kindly to freelancers.
The city of half a million is ruled by the pleasure-seeking Overlord
Glipkerio and his council of nobles and advisors. Lankhmar is equally
corrupt, decadent and squalid. Luxuriate in the Grand Library or the
Great Play House, then turn a corner and slum it in the Marshlight
Theatre or opium den. Every appetite can be stilled here.
Plotting nobles and sly merchants rub
shoulders with nefarious mages, weary actors, feuding guildsmen,
ecstatic cults and conniving thieves. Among the masses one may even see
travelers from the Eight Cities, the Cold North, buried Quarmall,
decadent Evanmaransee and the Mingol Steppes. Visit the Plaza of Dark
Delights after dark to mingle with dubious sages and peddlers of arcana;
deal with the underworld in Pleasure Park, then stroll along the Hlal
and find your favorite temple on the Street of the Gods to wash away
your sins. Lankhmar awaits.
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Home-made map of Lankhmar, based on the city map in AD&D 2137 Lankhmar: City of Adventure Locations from that book, the DCC line of Lankhmar adventures, and a few from the blogosphere, like Vlinderkaai's (Semper)Vivarium |
I will be using the adventures of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser as inspiration, as well as the DCC adventures in Lankhmar and some reskinned adventures from OSR blogs.
5th edition D&D. Almost no house rules, which is a novelty. Here are the most important tweaks to vanilla D&D and to Lankhmar:
- D&D: spells above 3rd level are incredibly hard to find; beyond that level, casters don't gain spells automatically as the bleeding edge of the art is jealously guarded by isolated practitioners. Join the Sorceror's guild, or seek the patronage of shrouded mages.
- no focus on traditional alignment. I'm using word-pairs as described above.
- Lankhmar: the original books feature mostly humans and 1-2 offshoot races like the invisible people of Mount Stardock or the Ghouls with their translucent flesh. I'll allow all D&D races - Lankhmar is a center of the world, and even rare races have a chance of popping up here.
I can't remember who I stole this from, but I've swapped out aligment with a set of 5 word pairs; to be used as descriptors, not as straightjackets. For session zero, the players just picked the one word that resonated with them the most. The Half-Orc druid is SUPERSTITIOUS, the Gnome warlock is CAREFREE, and the Half-Drow rogue is TOLERANT.
- responsible - carefree
- superstitious - skeptical
- romantic - cynic
- traditional - radical
- tolerant - intolerant
Each character got to roll at the start of the session to get a special item. These aren't directly useful, but may drive stories further down the road. From Against the Wicked City's 20 things your trickster might have 'acquired' and not be quite sure what to do with.
Thank you, thank you for posting this awesome homemade map! I've read every Lankhmar setting book I can find, and none of them have a map that shows the districts in relation to each other
ReplyDeleteThanks, and you're welcome! This is mostly a retrace and simplification of the map in AD&D 2137...but of course then I had to dive into https://www.quest-bird.com/nehwon/maps and try to get all those delicious sites off of the sub-maps and onto one big chart...
ReplyDeleteI should print this on A3 or A2 linnen and use it at the table. Campaign seems to have gone to sleep because of social distancing, need to revive it now that we're all getting our vaccines.
How did the Lankmar campaign turnout? Any surprises? Played Lankmar back in the early 90s. What a flashback!
ReplyDeleteSuper late reply...I guess I had notifications for the blog off! Lankhmar basically petered out after 3 sessions because of scheduling problems. After which I lost my inspiration for it. But it did rope in a new player to my main campaign!